A Lasting Valentine’s Day Gift for Homeschoolers

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Are you looking for a Valentine’s Day gift for homeschoolers that won’t get eaten in ten minutes? One that might last the rest of the school year and provide a little entertainment too. I love giving mini-games to my kids for holiday celebrations. Your children can leave a silly love note and have a couple of rounds of creative word play with Candygrams, the colorful crossword game.

Don’t let the packaging fool you. This game isn’t just for younger kids, even if it is recommended for ages seven and up. It came as part of Timberdoodle’s 11th Grade Complete Curriculum Kit and we are using it in our transition time rotation.

Do you have transition times in your school day where you end up spending more time gathering the kids back to the school area? Games are a great answer, but Monopoly can take the whole day. Mini games are the answer for us.

Making Transitions In Your Homeschool Day Better

A Better Way to Keep the Kids the School Room

Holidays Are a Great Time to Add Games

Valentines Day is a fun day for our family. We always make little gift bags with a couple of self care items like face cleansers, mini masks, hair masks, lotion, chapsticks or fuzzy socks. We leave out paper and pens so that all of the kids can leave a note to their siblings telling them what they like best about them.

I love seeing them share the things they see that are unique in one another. As a words of Affirmation person, this is one way that I teach the kids to speak my language in a practical way.

Skipping the Candy

With a big family I try to grab something that can be for the whole family. Games are a way for the older kids to play with the younger kids and spend some intentional one-on-one time. Valentine’s Day is a great day to give mini-games to the whole family.

Candy is great, but I try really hard to help the kids eat healthy and make good food choices. We do have a little candy for everyone, but I prefer to purchase something that can last a little longer. That is why Candygrams caught my eye to set aside for a Valentine’s Day game.

Holiday Fun in the Transition Basket

As a homeschooler, we are susceptible to letting holidays pass by with little to no recognition in the school day. I am guilty of this. After all, we can get on with the celebrating as soon as math is over. I am not so sure the kids always see it that way so, I am trying to add more celebrating as a part of our school day.

It might also be my awareness to avoid falling into second-wind parenting mode. Repeating all the things we have done before with two other batches of kids can seem redundant sometimes. I’ve have to plan ahead a little more with the youngest kids.

That is why I am always on the lookout for a new mini game to add to our homeschool game basket. These let us celebrate the holiday during school and

Giving for the Whole Family

Giving gifts for the whole family started as a way to save money when we were young parents. Between a mortgage and a business there was little in the way of extra funds. On holidays I packed up little individual gift bags with a personal stash of candy and a gift and for a bigger impact fixed up a big basket of gifts for the whole family. These usually included a big bag of chips or snacks, play-dough, craft supplies and a game. The games lasted longer so were worth spending a little more for. The rest of the basket usually didn’t cost more than $10 and everyone enjoyed getting to play together.

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