Education Feels Like a Break; Winter Sanity Saver Electives

We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this review or post, but all opinions are our own.


Taking time for creativity isn’t justs for kids. Here are a few ways I carve out time to be creative as a mom. The principals are the same for this Holiday reboot season too. Winter electives tend to focus on things we can do indoors and more independent than the collective play that we have in the summertime.

Guitar lessons with time to actually practice instead of the few frantic hours the night before…

Fender offers lessons through their app Fender Play for a very reasonable rate. (currently under $10) Lessons are available on any device, including your phone and home computer which means you can also use your smart TV and hold a multi-kid class in your own living room.

Choose guitar, bass, or Ukulele and jump right in. From tuning to rhythm the process is broken down step by step for you. Use the fun Chord Challenge to hone your skills in between lessons. Levels 1-5 have roughly twenty lessons each so you will get all the value you want out of the subscription. You can choose a monthly plan for maximum flexibility or an annual subscription for maximum savings.

You can use the free Fender Tuner app to help you stay in tune. We use a fun app called GuitarTuna for note and chord memorization exercises that are more like games.

A table littered with art supplies that doesn’t have to get put away for science class to start…

Find a New Skill with These Winter Elective Ideas

Game school with the coding computer and a new program that teaches with Minecraft…

Read about the STEM TOOLS we have used over the years in out homeschool learning. Both in school and out of school learning counts when it comes to tech skills. This is one area that you can get a lot of mileage out of a subject once you capture your child’s interest.
Making movies with the Stop Motion program you bought but never had time to use

Digging into the craft bin and seeing what you can make…

Nope. This winter you are going to have a plan with no effort at all. We use Skillshare to find classes for all of us to get creative. Graphic Design. photography, calligraphy, comic books to crafts and cooking, skillshare give teachers a platform to connect with students. Each class has an easy to follow syllabus and clear supply list as well. Adult learners are going to love Skillshare for the truly diverse and readily adaptable courses, while younger learners are going to find endless inspiration. You can read the full review post HERE

Try Putting on a Play for the Winter Holidays…

We loved Playingwithplays Shakespeare for Kids Books. You can use them to put on a whole family production. Play vary in number of participants and difficulty, but not in fun. Check out their site for more options and don’t miss out on the Shakespeare Insult Generator a beloved classic for the ages.

Read about how they put on a virtual play and what they learned in the process. This would be a great way to get the older cousins together virtually if your travel plans involve NO travel like all of our family this holiday season. You can watch the whole video HERE.

Winter Electives are Family time and Creativity without the stress…

This could be a really fun time to do the things you never quite feel like you have the time to do. Take the time. Trust me, after eighteen years, I’m not sorry for any of the time we ever took off of formal learning for creative pursuits.

Want more homeschooling ideas at you fingertips? Listen on the go with our podcast…

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