The Measure of the Belt of Truth 

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If there is one item in my wardrobe that never lies, it’s my belt. 

My jeans will stretch and shrink. I once washed a pair of well worn jeans, held them up to my body, and was like, who’s pants are these.  I’ve stretched and pulled on a shirt, obviously left in the dryer for too long, and improved it’s fit considerably. Try that with you belt. Your belt will never lie. You know what hole is yours and you know when you start using a new one. 

You can call a taco a salad in your food journal. You can even convince yourself that you are drinking less sodas than you were before. It doesn’t matter because your belt will call your bluff every time. 

In Ephesians we are called to put on the full armor of God. The belt of truth might hold all of your armor together but a belt also reveals the exact measure of ourselves. We must measure up to who the gospel calls us to be. 

There is no poking a new hole in the belt of truth. We have to stay in a condition of spiritual fitness at all times. Fervent is a great descriptive. To be fervent about your spiritual walk, your prayer life, and your passion is to be constantly exercising your spiritual tools and then measuring yourself  against God’s word, the Christian’s belt of truth, to see where it is pinching and where it has gaps. 

We can grow fat with pride and we can shrink back and lose our spiritual girth. Measuring ourselves against the belt of truth will always reveal those places to us. If we respond to correction we can continue this spiritual battle in the healthiest shape of our lives. 

How do you respond when you don’t measure up to God’s truth? 

This is your opportunity to go to God in prayer and ask him to reveal to you His truth and help you to grow in His words. 

In the end we know that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) but through Christ we are able to serve God as he has called us to. 

I encourage you to read Ephesians 6 and discover the tools and equipment that God has given you to live out His calling with fervency and success. 

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