Monster thoughts under your bed?

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As a kid my hand never slipped over the edge of the bed. To do so was certain death. In the darkness of my room, there were monsters. During the day, I knew under the bed was too full of dirty clothes to even fit a monster, but in the dark uncertainty meant danger.

Stop letting monster statements live in your head.
Monster thoughts keep us tucked safely under our covers when we should be chasing our goals. Is fear keeping you stuck?

Are you in a place where uncertainty is creating negative voices, hiding in the dark? Speaking statements to you from the pile of clutter. Are you responding by drawing up the covers and limiting your potential for movement?

I’ve been there just this week. Negatives seem so loud and valid when they are bouncing around in the darkness of my mind.

Do you want to stop hearing them? Write down the negative things that you are repeating in your head. Writing them on paper takes away the power these words had when they were bombarding you inside your head. On paper you can look at there statements with perspective. 

Now, ask your self if they are true. Are they ridiculous?  Some of the things we tell ourselves are laughable when we look at them in the light of who we really are. 

Are there tangible things you need do to improve in these areas.

What is true? Rewrite those negative limiting statements into actionable truths. Put the power to do something about it back in your own hands. Stretch it if you have to. Start reframing how you see your situation.

Write out the reframed negatives to read and see on paper.

For me, there was a time when I would have written: My kids are wrecking balls, I am not really welcome anywhere. (having 10 kids in 12 years will leave you feeling a little rough at times)

The feeling had been building in my for a long time. I really thought it was true, but when I wrote it out, I could see that this thought was ridiculous. We were loved by quite a few people and welcomed to their homes.

The point is don’t let monster thoughts live in your mind. Pull back the covers by writing them down and exposing them for what they are, because half truths will hold you back forever if you listen to them.


Are you broke? I bet you could write that you are creative at solving problems without finances.

Are you feeling like a loser because you are lonesome? I know that I felt that way after a life change left me isolated. I started telling myself that I was a great person. I began to speak to myself about the fact that I was wasting all I had to offer by not getting out and getting to know people. See how I took the power back. I became responsible for making friends, and then I got out and made new ones.

Take back the responsibility for your happiness by taking those negative thoughts and putting them down on paper. Expose them for the ridiculous overstatements that they are and start building your own truth statements about who you are and where you want to be.

[Tweet “Lack of clarity keeps us from forward motion. Defining what we want is the first step to obtaining it.”]

Tell me your truth actionable truth so I can cheer you on.


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