Best Fun Tool to Teach Your Kids How to Code

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Programming is the language of computers and the tech world is speaking it. There are plenty of online computer programming courses for older kids, but I discovered that Code Rocket is a fun way to introduce computer science to my younger kids.

I love how the Rocket provided gives them immediate feedback to the code they create, and the interface was easy for younger kids to use without help. I’ve tried a few other programs for this particular program and this required the least direction from me by far!

My son (9) is working on his own and loving the fact that he can see the effects of code changes

Video Games are a Great Opener But Now What?

Our younger kids love Roblox and Minecraft. Video games are a great way to introduce young kids to the idea of what a software developer is at a young age. The best time to help my kids develop coding skills is while their interest is high. My nine year old is at that perfect place of interest and enthusiasm. I was happy to receive Code Rocket from Timberdoodle to test our and give an honest review.

Video games aren’t the end of the opportunities coding language opens up. We live in a digital world and there is no turning back. Students equipped with basic programming knowledge and familiarity with real-world programming language will have an advantage in many areas.

Connecting with fun games like Angry Birds and Robotics Kits like Lego Mindstorms give kids access to the basic ideas of coding language in use in the real world. But wouldn’t it be better if they could create their own cool games?

Transitioning from Passive to Active

I try to keep their use of my mobile phone to a minim. Having a few favorite small games is inevitable when you have kids. Code Rocket help me give my kids a way to take their online play time from passive to active by building blocks of code. The sturdy, green rocket gives very young children immediate feedback as the enter code in different ways. They begin with learning the language, them build the most basic programming.

The first lessons are writing code to turn on the pin LED for the different areas of the rocket. This is a great visual reinforcement for young children. By using the online code course they immediately know what is working and what is not. This trail and error also help them to understand that often coding is making changes in small ways to solve problems.

Code is what make tech go round and it is not going away

Computational thinking is a skill set for solving complex problems. Providing access to this type of critical thinking and problem solving skills in younger children helps them break down larger problems. this helps them to be better thinkers. It is not just about creating small games or even mobile apps. A code class like the one for Code Rocket builds creative thinking skills for kids of all ages.

Computational Thinking Helps Kids…

  • Collect Data
  • Analyze Information
  • Make Educated Decisions by Evaluation
  • Communicate Information from the Data
  • Be STEM ready

Code Rocket Teaches How to Code Now

All you have to do is plug the easy to use USB from your Code Rocket, into your computer. Then, you pull up the website that is conveniently printed on the rocket. (So you don’t have to go find the box every time.) Your young minds can get right to the creative process with simple coding games.

The kit comes with a small deck of term cards. These help with remembering the definitions of key Coding phrases and terms. They are such a helpful reminder to have on hand as your child is learning. My son has been studying them to get ready for the big final lesson. After completing the lessons using the Code Rocket, your child get to go on a “BUG” hunt. They will search for coding mistakes in a project.

This process in called integration and is an important step for retaining new knowledge. This means what they learn, they will retain. They can add more to it. With a little time, they will be computer programmers, game designers, webpage builders and content creators themselves.

Teach you Child to Code from Lesson One

I’ve tried a few high end programs for my older teens that promised to teach kids to code. The online databases where they needed to work was complex. The software was hard to sign in to. The teaching guide was complicated or poorly designed. They wanted to create their own cool games, but ended up not finishing the course. Even I couldn’t figure out the instructions. Code Rocket is perfect for teaching code to a younger student. Using it is easy. Kids can plug in an go right from the start. It is no harder than most children’s board games, with less parts to lose!

Sturdy construction makes Code Rocket a winner for young kids

It is great for parents that aren’t too TECHIE, for younger kids who are kind of CLICKY. Code Rocket is also great for older kids who want to jump right in, but you don’t have the time to help in a complicated new software right now.

Don’t wait for a Summer Camp or a Full Scale Coding Program

Little kids are ready to learn big ideas. They are more tech savvy than we were at their age. It is a good idea to give your younger kids a head start, after all they are at the best age to try new things. Code Rocket provides on screen step by step explanations and a crystal clear guide that your child can understand.

Code Rocket is included in Timberdoodle’s 5th Grade Curriculum kit. We are using Timberdoodle’s 10th grade kit with the older kids this year and the one thing that I am looking forward to is more hands on activities. We have never been a big hands on homeschool, however this younger group are not as engaged with auditory learning. I am hoping that adding more live working projects will change our school day, and make it even better.

The friendly instructions and immediate feedback make this code course a great next step in computer learning for younger students; but like everything else from Timberdoodle, you might like it too!

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One Comment

  1. Coding is an important skill for our times and this is good way to make it fun and accessible!

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