Table Time is Science Learning Time with Printables from WriteBonnieRose

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When you are working with several age groups, I find myself looking for table work for my little ones that feels like we are covering real subjects. One area we filled our need is with science printables from WriteBonnieRose. In Learning About Science, Collection 1, we learned in a way that felt natural for little ones, more like play.

Learning about Science Collection Level 1

Table Talk is Science Learning Time

If you could have listened in to the chatter, you would have heard quite a few natural discussions that kept us engaged as we colored. Little kids are questioners. Presenting a couple of pages led to a ton more questions. I love to follow the vein of questions naturally when we have the time and I think there is no better way to introduce your kids to love learning.

Suppliment and Spur Learning Time

Collection 1 is a set of seven books that cover tons of life science concepts. Are you growing seeds like we did a few years ago with our older kids? Familiar Plants and How They Grow covers the parts of a plant. Each picture has a little printing work with the words we are learning and pretty things to color. Plants, leaves and stems. Seeds, flowers and fruits. We named them, talked about how we eat them or use them and we colored them as well.

Table time is learning time with printables
connect your little ones to the subjects your older kids are learning in their science books

It was natural to follow this with Fruits and Vegetables Around the World, so we could learn more fruits and see how many we have eaten before. We talked about the different ways we can eat the same foods in different places. Some people like cold melon soup and corn means something very different in the rest of the world. It was fun to share the different foods we have eaten with the kids. And talk about all the different ways we like to eat the same foods too! We all like our corn on the cob different ways over here.


What is Covered?

A few other books from the set were: Animal Habitats of the World, Our Senses and Systems and How they Work, Learning About Life Cycles, Earth; Layers, Earthquakes and Volcanoes, Exploring the States of Matter. There is also a great Discussion Help document that is full of links so you can extend your learning beyond the page. Some were articles, videos or websites that could help you explore the concepts covered.

Handwriting Practice in Small Bites

This set is for little readers, but it would also be great for reluctant writers. Each page has only a few words so it would be perfect for a four year old who is just getting the hang of writing or a child who is overwhelmed by many words to write on one page. These pages could also be used like I did, with a group of kids in a range of ages, too.

Print work that isn't a ton of work
Reluctant writers love these pages because ther isn’t the chance to overwhelm tham like a writing workbook.

You Can Use This For Your Portfolio

The older can use this by making sure to give you accurate and detailed coloring, even looking up a reference online for the flowers, animals or foods represented and the younger students learn by following along. The science is all there and you really can get a good lesson from each set. If you like to do hands on work and feel like there is too little “paperwork” for you to file away in a portfolio for the year, these sets could be a great way to document learning. They connect to many concepts you are sure to be touching on with your older kids in their science over the school year.

Learning about Science Collection Level 1

Don’t Miss the Discount Available on This Review

The price can be beat, but WriteBonnieRose is making an offer for our readers. They can save 50% on the bundled Learning About Science, Levels 1, 2, and 3 with coupon code REVIEWCREW50 through August 15. You can get each set of eBooks for $6 per set at I would jump on these for this price if you have little ones.

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