23 Great Teaching Tools for Language Arts in Your Homeschool

We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this review or post, but all opinions are our own.

Looking for recommendations for Language Arts Tools and curriculum that will help you have a great homeschool year? We would love to help.

At 200 Fingers & Toes, we want to provide real and tangible information you can use to make homeschooling not only easier to choose, but also easier to actually execute. One of the ways we do that is to give you quality reviews for materials that we have used in our family’s school time.

We always review tools and materials with your homeschool in mind. Reviewing is no small undertaking, it took all of us. As a family we committed to working with The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, as a part of their review crew. We committed to using each product or teaching tool for six to eight weeks to see how it worked for a real homeschool family.

Here is a little round-up of all of the Language Arts, Writing, and Literature materials we have reviewed in one place.

Help make math pages legible too

Language Arts Tools for Your Homeschool

Click the links below for the complete review and find out how we used these with our family…


Channie’s Consumable Workbooks

Handwriting Without Tears


Write Shop (read their great back to school tips here)

Institute for Excellence in Writing High School Essay Intensive

Sonlight Language Arts how we use Sonlight with a large family

Grammar and Writing from Hake/Saxon 

Home School Navigators Reading and Language Arts

Literature Based Learning

Sonlight Curriculum full curriculum available, PK – 12th grade, my top pick for Language Arts Tools for Homeschooling multiple kids and raising writers

What if everything could be in one place for anyone to look at
Sonlight Curriculum is the tool I return to year after year

Branch Out World Paddington Bear hands-on

The Magic Stories for 3rd and 4th grade readers

Characters in Crisis Writing with Sharon Watson


Need and adventure tale for your new reader?
WorthyKids had my young reader hooked. The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls had her turning pages at night and telling me all about it in the morning.

Worthy Kids for adventure reading books they will love

Lamplighter Book Publishers

Historical Reading

YWAM Publishing Heroes of History and more great reading

Kingdom Files Biography Series

Adventures of Rush Revere

How to Guarantee 30% Gains in Reading over Summer

Raising readers all year long

Digital Reading 

Weigl Publisher Digital Books that grab kids attention

Bearing the Sword Preparing Your Older Readers to be Discerning

This site is great for tech savvy kids who deserve real quality interactive learning books


Super Teacher Worksheets

R.E.A.D. Review Pack

We loved having this little box of books for the youngest readers at our house to work through.


Complete Speech course filled with lessons from great orators

Check out this great giveaway from Write Shop and a chance to WIN a curriculum of your own

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