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Let’s Get You a Map and a Guide

Encouragement, a listening ear, a place to ask my real questions; are you looking for this too? The truth is that you can do this alone. I did, by trial and error, but the best gift is that you don’t have to create your homeschool path alone. In Due Season was built for you. With this course you will create a personalized road map for your unique and individual family. The course provides a six month support system, a frame work with weekly journal prompts. Your answers provide a how-to guide that will lead your to your best homeschool year ever.

Imagine a year that is confident, unapologetic, peaceful, connected and focused on the most important things you want to instil in your children.

Maybe you are just thinking about homeschooling? This would be an invalueable resource to plan and prepare, just like I did.

Are you returning to homeschooling after trying another public or private school. Maybe, you have just returned another curriculum, or it is still sitting with two weeks used, because you just aren’t getting it. I know that feeling. You are not failing, homeschooling is a struggle. It is hard, but you can do hard things. The things I am most proud of are the ones that took the most struggle to achieve.

Want a peek at the Road Map?

I have created a FREE mini-course with our most popular lesson. Creating your “Why” page. This one activity has kept me on track in the hardest times. My personal “Why” page gives me the most clarity and direction in this homeschool journey. I share what works for me, because I know it can apply to you too.

Click here for: How to Avoid Getting Lost on Your Homeschool Journey FREE Mini Course

Join me and start walking with a friend toward your best year yet

Sign up for the full In Due Season Course and SAVE 30% with our Winter Reboot Special Price

Over the last fifteen years, I have found my feet, and walked a path that fits us. I found a confidence and community in homeschooling. If there is one thing I have learned it is that NO ONE is unqualified to give their kids the education they need and deserve. If you feel called to homeschool then I will help you find the tools and skills you need to stand firm, with encouragement from a Mom who has been there.

Make it to the finish line with your hearts intact and your goals met.

Do you need a more personalized plan or do you need to create a plan fast? A consultation with a personalized call will help fast track your year and help you connect with tool that will fit your child’s learning style and goals. You don’t have to guess and you do not have to struggle for another school year. Get the details for a Personalized Consultation HERE and I would love to hear from you.