My #1 Parenting Rule: Limit This Word

We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this review or post, but all opinions are our own.

When I received a set of Thin Stix 6pk of Classic Colors from The Pencil Grip, Inc. for review, I knew that they would help me keep my number one parenting rule, Say No Less. 

Early on in my kids life I was saying “No” a lot. Like more than I ever thought humanly possible. If we were all going to get through this raising children part of life, then I was going to have to change my ground rules.

Thin Stix by KwikStix

Look for ways to say yes!

My first piece of advice is STOP! Before I spout off one more hasty “No”, I ask myself; do I really need to say it. I found I was saying no to a lot of things because the activity in question was not convenient for me. The activity in question was loud, messy or demanded me to shift from my own activities. 

Don’t get me at all wrong, we DO NOT run a kids-centric house. I write part time, we are in the restaurant business and we have 10 kids to take care of. We try not to squabble to much time away in details or debating why. Instead I try to say “yes” if it is reasonable. While I can’t meet every demand, I did discover that I could say “yes” much more often with very little effort or changes on my part. It has made for less arguing and happier children. 

One of the biggest areas that I have made a compromise in life is ART.

I have created “Yes” spaces for a happier life. We both have desires for art. The kids want to paint. I don’t want to clean it up. As parents, we are all busy. I can’t take time away from a deadline to supervise play time, so what is the alternative to saying “No?” Making sure I can say yes.

The right tool makes it possible to say yes to creative time

How have we done that?

  1. Create a place where kids can create
  2. Give them the right tools for the job
  3. Teach them how to clean up the way you want it done

Once we did these three things, we were able to say yes to the kids desires for creativity.

My older kids have moved into tempera and even acrylic paints, but what about the younger kids that want to make their mark as well? We are using Kwik Stix for them. Each stick easy to hold, similar to a marker but are non-toxic, solid tempera paint sticks. All my little child has to do is uncap and twist to use them. They dry in 90 seconds, so there are no wet dripping papers for me to have to find a place for them to stack for long enough to dry out.


Thin Stix by KwikStix
We love all kinds of art supplies, but there is a time and a place for every tool. Kwik Stix are great for school time, when you are working on a poster or concept board and want to focus on the project at hand and not the mess. They are also great for a day like today, when the little kids wanted to create a poster for their brother’s birthday. I was able to say “Yes” without hesitation, because I knew I had a box of paint sicks ready for just such an occasion. 

I didn’t have to direct them, nor did I have to pull an older child away from their summer reading to watch the little ones. Since the paint sticks need no water, I didn’t have to worry about the kitchen table being a sloppy mess when they were done.

I love saying yes. Do you want to say yes as well? Click here for the Kwik Stix post on Instagram and leave a comment about where you’ve learned to say yes to your kids.

No Mess Art with Thin Stix Classic Colors {The Pencil Grip, Inc. Reviews}

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