Listening is Learning Too! {Crew Review}

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Do you remember listening to books on cassette tape when you were younger?

Brinkman Adventures bring you the excitement of those story adventures without having to wait for a “ding” to turn the page. If you were turning pages I am pretty sure you would not be able to keep up with the fast paced action in Brinkman Adventures Season 4.

Brinkman Adventures
The Brinkman Family is never dull. Whether they are running an impromptu summer camp after a flash flood trapped all of the campers or learning about life across the world on an daring rescue adventure in Cambidia, they are sharing their trust in God to lead them through.

When the trouble is most intense this family knows where their help comes from. They stop and pray. Even though this is an audio dram, you hear a sincere Christian faith in every prayer.

The Brinkmans are showing their faith instead of telling about it. In every episode God does what He does in our lives every day. He shows up. He does not magically make all the troubles dissapear, but He leads, guides, guards and protects His children. He give this family peace in the storm and leads them to share His love with others, even when their hearts need a little correcting.

Brinkman Adventures

Sharing Faith Through Adventure

What better way to share about how God watches over His children than through epic story telling. The Brinkman adventures are the kind of stories that you sit on the garage even after you have turned off the ignition. You just have to hear how the story ends before the next errand run.

On the Go or Part of Your Regular Day

We listened in the car for most of the stories and every one of my kids was engaged just a few minutes into every story. From teen to toddler, the adventure tales kept their attention from start to finish. I want to finish up the last few stories as a reward for finishing our school work on time. I know my kids are motivated to hear the last few stories and I am glad to have an alternative a television shows to offer them.

Season 4 had over four hours of listening fun. There were 12 individaul adventure stories. Each unique in settings and life lessons. There were no preachy overtones of heavy handed religious monolagues. Just a sincere Christian family who live an over the top life, but sound just like us. Funny, whitty, sometimes a little uncooperative. Totally relatable!

Want to hear what others thought about these too? Check out the reviews in the link below…

Brinkman Adventures Season 4Thank you fro reading and please share

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